
Customer testimonials

We are happy to recommend Roy Laughton Removals for not only full home contents removals  but also for moving unusual individual items such as pianos.  We have always found Laughtons to be very trustworthy and they are our Firm of choice for house clearances, for furniture and chattels  to be delivered to our Auction Centre.

With well presented and extremely reliable staff, they are always very helpful and professional.


Jackson Green & Preston

I have had business connections with Roy Laughton’s for nearly 40 years and have always found them very honest, reliable, and efficient. I would highly recommend them to any future customers.


Joy Walker Estate Agent

We have been using Roy Laughton Removals to deliver our Grand Pianos, Upright Pianos and Digital Pianos for over 30 years and have always been extremely satisfied with the professional service which they have provided. The guys are always courteous, prompt and nothing is too much trouble for them. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend them!

Pooles The Music Centre, Grimsby


Contact the specialist team for your removal solutions on
01472 354 555

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